AI-Based Search vs. Elasticsearch For E-Commerce: Which Is Better For Personalization?

Have you ever been overly surprised while shopping online after getting the exact recommended search items that were inside your head before typing them into the search bar? Well, this is the power of e-commerce businesses’ personalized shopping algorithms. Henceforth, personalized search has become a key component of driving e-commerce sales.
AI-based search engines have taken personalization to another level by using advanced algorithms to understand user intent, adapt to their behavior, and provide tailored results. On the other hand, Elasticsearch is renowned for its speed and scalability, making it an ideal choice for handling large volumes of data.
Custom e-commerce development allows businesses to create search experiences that leverage the strengths of both AI and Elasticsearch, ensuring a balance of personalization and performance.
This blog explores how AI-powered search and Elasticsearch differ in their approach to personalization and evaluates which system is better suited for delivering a customized and efficient search experience in e-commerce.
Explaining AI-Based Search for E-commerce
AI-powered online search has many benefits for e-commerce over traditional site search. Unlike traditional keyword-based searches, AI learns from user behavior, data on search queries, and product information in real time. Such improvement allows the site search to become more dynamic and intelligent, providing you with recommendations, auto-completing queries on the search bar, and more efficient synonym or misspelling handling.
Thus, AI-powered site search offers a smart and seamless shopping experience, ensuring customers discover products quickly which eventually increases the conversion rate for e-commerce stores. For businesses looking to truly differentiate themselves, custom e-commerce development can ensure that AI-based search capabilities are fully integrated into their platform, providing a personalized and seamless shopping experience.
Key components of AI-based search include:
Natural Language Processing (NLP):

With the help of NLP, the search engine understands the subtle intricacies of the ways humans express their queries and interprets the intent behind them more accurately. It leverages facet extraction to extract product attributes (for example. size, and color) and typo tolerance to handle spelling mistakes.
Machine Learning (ML):

ML algorithms analyze user behavior and past searches, and store data to continuously improve search results. By learning from patterns in data, ML enables the system to predict and prioritize the most relevant products for each search query.
Search results are personalized according to each individual’s browsing history, preferences, and demographic information. This guarantees the best user experience for the e-commerce shopper, making sure that the products they will see are the most relevant to their interest and therefore boosting conversion rates.
More Contextual Awareness:
AI-based search systems have more contextual awareness, so they can manage diverse queries, even voice searches.
Explaining Elasticsearch for E-commerce

Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source search and analytics engine, they typically use it to improve their search, product recommendations, and personalization. It helps sustain quick, scalable, and contextually resonant search experiences by helping you index high levels of product data and making it easily searchable.
For E-commerce, real-time analysis of the search results improves the accuracy as well as the ability to answer complex queries and personalized recommendations based on user behavior and preference. And without performance and conversion rates, it will help you optimize the customer experience.
Key components of Elasticsearch include:
- Text Search & Tokenization: It indexes products using textual data and the latter uses tokenization to dissect a search query into smaller components for matching purposes.
- Faceted Search: It enables the user to refine their search outcomes depending on attributes such as the type of product, the price level, and the manufacturer.
- Relevance Scoring: In Elasticsearch, a search is ranked to indicate how closely the returned documents match the query terms and how any other features significantly affect the matching terms such as term frequency and document frequency.
- Distributed Search: It is designed for scalability so it can handle Tb data across nodes in a cluster at a single level.
Comparing AI-Based Search and Elasticsearch for Personalization
Personalized search is efficiently done in AI-based search systems because the algorithms are capable of learning from the interactions of the user to determine which product would be suitable for that particular individual the next time. Imposing the use of Machine Learning in a search engine will help AI-based search engines with better personal results and recommendations.
Namely, if a user repeatedly enters a request for a specific item, such as running shoes, or adds products of that type to their cart, the AI system can offer similar products when the user tries to search for different items next time, sometimes even without typing a search query completely.
AI-based search systems also have the advantage of recommendation systems based on collaborative filtering with a fellow user’s behavior towards similar products. Such kind of personalization involves both sides of preferences, the preference of a single person, and the overall average user preferences.
Furthermore, AI-based systems can address queries with multiple meanings at once. For instance, a phrase such as “best running shoes for long-distance runners” can be translated by an AI system that can reason with context, meaning, and purpose in a manner that is considerably more relevant than a standard search engine.
In its native form, Elasticsearch, itself, is not quite tailored for personalization, with some more components added, to help with more fine-tuned ‘you might like this’ type of features. Of these, it mainly aims to offer easy and quick, basic keyword search capabilities.
However, Elasticsearch is good at such search results by the exact match or the semantic matches of that specific keyword and does not have features to tailor the results according to the user’s search history.
For instance, personalization in Elasticsearch is performed by the “relevance scoring,” which raises search results, however, such a system cannot compete with more advanced personalization experiences that the AI-based search solutions are capable of. However, in comparison with the same in Google, in Elasticsearch you have to adjust this approach yourself, for instance, by implementing another recommendation engine or applying various features of collaborative filtering.
Comparing AI-Based Search and Elasticsearch for Performance and Scalability
AI-Based Search
AI-based search engines are computationally expensive because they have to process large volumes of data in real-time and use Machine Learning algorithms to make decisions. However, after sufficient training, these models are flexible enough to work even with a large traffic capacity. The problem lies in handling the pipeline to support the AI algorithms, for example in training GPUs or special hardware, and may consequently increase the operating expenses. Furthermore, real-time personalization can be difficult to sustain if the system does not provide data updates in real-time.
However, there is a scalability problem that has not been optimally solved by AI-based search engines. For instance, organizations like Google and Amazon use highly developed AI tools that are easily horizontally scalable, enabling them to spread across hundreds of servers. This scalability ensures the delivery of high-quality and relevant output.
It is easy to scale Elasticsearch horizontally. This is why it has distributed architecture, which gives the ability to work with a large set of data while facing no operational problems. For E-commerce companies, where there can be millions of documents (products), Elasticsearch provides near real-time search results.
Due to the fact that it is designed for high velocity, Elasticsearch is used for product catalog, faceted search, and filtering. The fact that real-time product data indexing and fast search result retrieval are accomplished with the help of Elasticsearch makes the platform most suitable for the immediate actual user search. However, in terms of personalization at scale, it can be a lot of work to fit Elasticsearch for integrating machine learning models or recommendation systems to tailor to the needs of users.
Comparing AI-Based Search and Elasticsearch for Cost and Implementation Complexity
AI-Based Search
Generally, when an organization intends to adopt an AI-based search engine, it tends to invest more in the initial stages. This process involves creating Machine Learning models, feeding them with data, and continuously improving them. Technically, there are significant challenges here, developers must be well-versed in both AI and search engine algorithms to create a fully functional personalized search engine.
Also, actual running costs can be high since the AI-based search systems need occasional reinforcement to maintain efficiency in searching for relevant materials. But, when done appropriately, it is very fruitful since the visitors are more responsive due to better targeting, and more orders and purchased deals are equal to more sales.
AI-based search is still more complex to implement than using the open-source tool for search called Elasticsearch. It has built-in search indexing and the relevance score makes it an out-of-the-box solution for e-commerce sites. It is highly scalable, and it can be used also without heavily investing in machine learning infrastructures.
However, for personalization, it has to be connected with other tools like recommendation engines or AI systems to work better. This can add complexity but the costs associated with putting it into practice are relatively lower than that of AI search systems.
1. What are the benefits of Elasticsearch?
Elasticsearch not only offers instant and real-time search results, its full-text search capabilities ensure that a customer finds exactly what he is looking for. It helps filter out products according to prize, size, color or other metrics.
2. What is the role of artificial intelligence in personalizing e-commerce experiences?
AI personalizes e-commerce by analyzing customer behavior and preferences to provide tailored recommendations and relevant product suggestions. It improves search accuracy, adjusts pricing dynamically, and creates a more personalized shopping experience, all of which boost customer satisfaction and increase sales.
3. Is Elasticsearch better than AI-based Search for e-commerce?
Elasticsearch excels in handling large data volumes quickly, making it ideal for fast search results. However, for personalization, AI-based search is superior, adapting to user behavior and offering tailored recommendations, enhancing the shopping experience. While Elasticsearch provides basic search functionality, AI-powered search delivers a more dynamic and personalized user journey.
4. Which search solution is better for a growing e-commerce business?
If scalability and speed are the priority, Elasticsearch is ideal. For businesses seeking advanced personalization, an AI-based search engine will offer more sophisticated, adaptive features.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to using each of these methods, but in the context of personalization, AI-based search systems offer a significant advantage over Elasticsearch. AI-powered systems can adapt to user interactions and are equipped with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities. Their ability to provide adaptive recommendations makes them the best fit for today’s E-commerce platforms, which require scalability and the ability to deliver personalized user experiences.
While Elasticsearch may not be as efficient as Sphinx in rapidly searching through large volumes of data, it requires further configuration to enable true personalization. It is ideal if your primary goal is to provide users with incredibly fast search results and a limited selection of options. However, for more sophisticated personalization, proactive AI-based search systems offer a better solution.
Any business that wants long-term prosperity in the current dynamism, that is highly informed by user experience and personalization rather than explicit search, should therefore embrace AI-based search as the right way to go.