
headless CMS web development


Businesses today run a parallel life in the digital world as much in real life. Businesses spend a lot of time and money in managing websites and connecting with customers. A content management system (CMS) allows you to create, edit, manage and maintain website pages on a single interface. The history of CMS can be traced back ...

The Power of the Internet (in Stats)

Even if you think society has become too obsessed with the Internet, you cannot deny that it has brought many amazing changes to the world. From being able to do your shopping on your phone, to organizing party invitations and so much more, the Internet is becoming a bigger part of your life day by day. There ...
Web Design Trends 2018

Thoughts on Web Design Trust and Engagement (Infographic)

Nowadays, eCommerce is equally, if not more important than, physical stores and should be treated as such. Just as it would be unacceptable to run a dirty store, with outdated design and a counterintuitive layout, an online businesses must care about first impressions and the overall way they conduct their operations with potential online customers. The benefits ...