MobileKonnect: The Smart Society Connectivity App

MobileKonnect - The Smart Society Connectivity App

Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued.

Brene Brown

Today is the age of speed and everyone is always on-the-go. People are not as connected as they once used to be and and our relationships are becoming more superficial and less rewarding with every passing day.

Changes in modern society are considered to be the cause in lack of connectivity. This is especially true in the case of housing societies. We live in nuclear family units, often living large distances away from our extended family and friends, and most of us are not even aware who our neighbors are. If you are already living in a flat then you must have experienced this disconnect.

Where Does The Problem Lie

Even though housing societies have the Resident’s Welfare Association (RWA) in place to take charge of the society’s welfare, errors happen and some tasks are unseen.  This leaves the residents often feeling edgy regarding undone jobs.

The managing committee or RWA are often exhausted maintaining multiple email groups, excel sheets containing members’ contact information, vehicle details of owners while also addressing the grievances of the housing society residents.

The complaints go unheard, emails get lost and residents start getting restless over issues that are not getting resolved despite reminders and no one knows the status of the complaint raised.

With no appropriate tools, managing a residential complex takes too much of time, effort and money with a lot of inefficiency.

MobileKonnect – The Solution

As times have changed, most of us have strived to combine technology with our daily duties irrespective of the field. Thus, changing the way of maintaining the society information will also prove to be beneficial, improve efficiency, and save time and frustration.

What is required in housing societies is a system for eliminating manual processes and errors, keeping up-to-date registers and records, having greater transparency with accounts, creating repository of important documents and forms, having meetings and polling online, managing facilities in a streamlined manner and much more functionalities.

This is where the MobileKonnect app comes in. This app built with an intention to bring all residents of a society together with the help of technology to bridge the communication gap between them.

Mobile App for Businesses
Cost-effective, Branded Mobile App with Content Management System


The main advantage of connected housing societies is that all the members are well connected and well informed about their surroundings. By bridging the gap between people, there is an increase in communication, and connected members can sit together to solve problems and help each other.

MobileKonnect-Goals and Benefits

Every housing society must possess technology that is able to bring the residents close together especially in this age of where people are always on the go. People should have access to discussion forums to ensure that all residents are satisfied or where they can get any issues resolved with the management.

The system should be so well-maintained such that notices should land in your inbox every time a change is made. Events, meetups, and directories should be in-built so that everyone is connected to one another.

Some of the benefits that MobileKonnect offers to its users are as follows:

  1. Paperless Circulars and Announcements- Now RWA members need not go sticking flyers on every notice board around the block. Notifications can be updated on the app for everyone to see. Additionally, the project comes across as eco-friendly as all notifications are accessible on the mobile device.
  2. Complaint and feedback using mobile – Residents do not have to take the trouble of finding the right person to discuss their grievances. Log in your complaints on your handheld device directly on the go. A full complaint management system with SLA, Priority, Email and SMS auto responder features.
  3. Society event calendar: Be informed and a part of every event in the society. Keep track of all events via the in-built calendar on the app.
  4. Society event’s gallery of images and videos: Did you or your neighbor miss out on an event and wished could catch up on the details? Update videos and images on the gallery for every member to see and enjoy the moments gone by.
  5. RWA Management Staff Directory: Know your RWA members via the staff directory within the app.
  6. Resident Directory: Always wanted to know who your neighbors are? The app provides a directory listing all residents living in and around your dwelling.
  7. Monetization using advertisement from local vendors:
  8. Online bill payment: You need not run around paying your utility bills anymore. Payments can now be easily made from the comfort of your home via the MobileKonnect app.
  9. Classifieds: Renting or selling a home? Moving out of town and want to sell your goods? Advertise on our classifieds section and get more exposure and better deals.
  10. Quick access to near by utilities and amenities.
  11. Branding and value added services, which will ensure to higher sale and rent value for flat owners.
  12. There is a good ROI on the app with even micro contribution from residents.
  13. Unlimited free push notifications
  14. Savings in cost and time by digitalization
  15. A high turnaround of residents during elections

Other additional benefits of the MobileKonnect platform are :

  1. We offer a small subscription cost for iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, and Android tablets.
  2. We offer complete CMS access to manage content
  3. The app is also supported offline
  4. There are no additional infrastructure costs
  5. Future enhancements and upgrade will be free

The MobileKonnect app is complete with a fully compliant management system to fulfill the requirements of a housing society management.


Learn More About MobileKonnect


Thus, our application tries to comfort its users with easily understandable as well as essential functionalities. Here, both managing committee and residents have the same application installed with the maintenance generation and financial report generation features disabled at the resident side.

This is achieved by maintaining separate login type for both types of users. Both types of users have similar rights over remaining features like viewing and posting notices on the notice board, adding and getting notified by calendar events and accessing society member contacts and the miscellaneous contacts.

Our application is implemented to help manage the affairs of a housing society by requiring the committee member to enter and save minimal amount of information. It will allow the members of the housing society to access information about a society, its residents and the managing committee on the go.