Reduce Development Time by 33.33% with Agile Methodology 

Reduce Development Time by 33.33% with Agile Methodology

What is Agile methodology?

Agile methodology is a continuous and flexible process that basically works on feedback collection and acting upon it. This ensures the software incorporates in-demand features, increasing the project success rate.

The process of the Agile method

  • A project backlog is where a set of required features, user requirements, and tasks are kept.
  • The project then gets divided into equal portions of work which is also called sprints.
  • At the beginning of each sprint, the team discusses which task to do in the upcoming sprint.
  • The team works in each sprint with an adaptive approach toward the development. After every sprint, the stakeholders provide feedback, based on which the software gets improved constantly. 
  • By acting upon constant feedback, the project ensures to be a success in the end.

Different frameworks of Agile methods 

  1. Scrum: Each task gets divided into sprints.
  2. Kanban: Workflow visualization is maintained here and the work plan gets changed from time to time.
  3. Hybrid: Waterfall and Agile development act together as complementary methods. 
  4. Bimodal: 2 teams work on projects with different goals and with various methodologies (one is Agile and another is conventional)
  5. Lean: Faster development with less effort, development cost, and time.
  6. XP: Helps developers in writing better codes, testing, analyzing, adaptive approaches towards code integration. 
  7. Crystal: Depends more on project priority and team size, and has different variants. 

Why choose Agile development? 

  1. Saves heavier costs in the long run by continuous review and fixing defects.
  2. Quick adaptation to changes in feature requirements.
  3. Offers alignment with project goals and transparency throughout the development process. 
  4. Increased flexibility and faster time to market.
  5. Minimizes risk and maximizes project success rate.
  6. Delivery dates are predictable. 
  7. User-focused approach, hence increased customer satisfaction. 
  8. Better stakeholder and team management. 

Some relevant stats related to Agile methods 

  • Companies use Agile methods for software development – 61% 
  • Agile has proved to be 1.5x more successful than other development methods.
  • Increased software product quality believed by – 42%
  • Enhanced team productivity – 47%
  • Companies implemented Agile methods – more than 60% 

This can convince you to adopt Agile methods for faster development of projects. Hire a professional software company in Delhi that will assist you with Agile development and testing services.

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