The Future of AI in Education and How It Might Shape the Next Generation

AI in Education

The future of education is a topic as broad as it is exciting. With new ideas and technologies coming to the fore all the time, our thinking about how we learn, grow and discover changes frequently. With artificial intelligence (AI) set to become even more omnipresent in our lives over the next few years, it’s no surprise that educators are asking what AI can do for their students and their classrooms. The growth of this technology in other sectors means that AI in education has the potential to change everything from primary school teaching methods to tertiary-level research and collaboration between students. Here, we take a look at the future of AI in education and explore some of the ways this technology is set to have a positive impact on learners everywhere.

How will AI change education?

Throughout this article, we’ll be exploring how AI will change education and what impact it will have on students. Before we do that, let’s first establish what AI actually is and how it works. Artificial intelligence is the concept of machines being able to complete tasks at the level of human intelligence. So, everything from robots being able to clean your house to computers being able to analyze vast amounts of data, crunching numbers and making conclusions on the future are examples of AI in action. AI in education is set to change the way students interact with their teachers, their peers and the material they’re taught. Because AI can process huge amounts of information very quickly, it’s likely that students will be able to benefit from a personalized educational experience. This can range from online courses that adapt to each student’s pace and ability to AI-powered tutoring systems that can provide one-on-one help for each student.

Teaching methods with AI

Teachers have long relied on the tried-and-tested lecture method of teaching because it allows them to share information on an almost unlimited scale. AI-powered virtual assistants are set to change that, however, as these devices can tailor their information sharing to each student’s needs. This personalized teaching method can be used in any subject area, too. For example, a history teacher can rely on an AI-powered virtual assistant to present students with relevant images and examples based on their individual research interests. In the future, AI-powered virtual assistants might even be able to respond to students’ questions with voice recognition and natural language processing capabilities.

This level of one-to-one interaction could herald a huge change in the way that students learn, with AI assistants being able to provide tailored information to each student based on their needs and pace of learning.

This could be a major change from the current way many schools approach learning, which sees teachers trying to deliver the same information to every student in the classroom.

Research and collaboration with AI

As well as changing the way that students learn, AI is set to revolutionize the way that students collaborate and research. Students can already share information and work on projects together remotely thanks to cloud computing. However, AI can expand on this idea by providing each student with tailored information based on their research interests. This means that each student in a team will be able to access information relevant to their own specific field of study. This personalized research can be taken even further by AI systems that can actually conduct research for students. These virtual assistants can crunch huge amounts of data, analyze it, and then make conclusions based on the data.

AI in assessment and grading

While some people may worry that AI is set to replace teachers and other educators, it’s important to note that the technology is more likely to change the way that humans grade students than replace them altogether. As well as providing personalized research and teaching methods, AI systems can also be programmed to grade students’ work. This could make it easier for educators to manage large numbers of students and could also allow students to receive more frequent feedback on their progress. This grading functionality can also be used in online exams. AI systems could be programmed to mark students’ work and provide automated feedback based on the rubric of the exam.

AI for student happiness and wellbeing

Beyond the ways that AI can help students to improve their grades and grasp of the subject matter, educators are also asking how this technology can improve their students’ happiness and wellbeing. Many schools are already making use of virtual assistants and AI to help students deal with the challenging situations they face. These devices can provide students with access to counselors, mental health professionals and support networks whenever they need them. From dealing with everyday issues like bullying and managing friendships to supporting students through difficult times, AI can help to ease the pressure on educators.


Artificial intelligence is the concept of machines being able to complete tasks at the level of human intelligence. As well as changing the way that students learn and be grading their work, AI can also change the way that educators teach and provide their students with support. Although AI can be implemented in a number of different ways, one thing that all AI systems have in common is that they rely on human input to “teach” them. That is, they require programming instructions based on the desired result. For example, an AI system designed to help students with their projects would need to be programmed with instructions on how to do so. This makes AI a bit different from other technological advancements that have been developed and implemented in the past. That said, it’s important that we take the time to understand how AI can help us and how it can be implemented to best suit our needs.

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