2018 Comparison of mobile app development technologies

2018 App development technologies comparison

There are lots of mobile app development technologies/frameworks available for the developers, but choosing a right technology for a particular project, is a very important criteria. It all depends on available development resources, type of app and it’s future development roadmap.

We have created matrix to help our customers to understand right app development technologies for their apps.

Scenarios Native Swift/Kotlin
Overview Native platform support. Can harness true power of underlying platform
Licensing and Company Involved iOS swift from apple/ Google for android
Skill set required Swift for iOS/ Kotlin for android respectively with in-depth knowledge of underlying platform along with tools
Feature Sets All Features support based on platform
Development Efforts Highest development effort as app has to be developed and maintained sapaerately on each platform
Shortcomings Huge development effort and maintainance
Most appropriate scenarios Require platform specific user experience and performance. Suitable for Utility apps

Scenarios React Native
Overview Quick Iterative development process using Javascript as language on iOS and Android
Licensing and Company Involved From Facebook. Licensing was BSD+ patents. Now it is MIT 
Skill set required Javascript with common tools for both iOS / Android
Feature Sets Most advanced features provided via plugin. Can fallback on native
Development Efforts Average dev effort as development is iterative and same code can be used on iOS / Android
Shortcomings Performance can be an issue where lot of computations are required
Most appropriate scenarios Required “Web-like” experience. Like Social media apps and e-commerce

Scenarios Xamarin Forms
Overview 95% shared code among iOS and Android and server code if server is in C# 
Licensing and Company Involved From Microsoft. MIT and respective iOS and Android license
Skill set required C# / XAML with common tools for both iOS / Android 
Feature Sets Most advanced features using plugins. Can fallback on native 
Development Efforts Very low dev effort as most code can be shared
Shortcomings App performance on android at startup. Bulky app size
Most appropriate scenarios Suitable for data input “forms-based” like enterprise apps

Scenarios Native Xamarin
Overview Native platform support. 60% shared code.  The language is C#
Licensing and Company Involved From Microsoft. MIT and respective iOS and android license
Skill set required C# with Coomon tools for both iOS/ Android
Feature Sets All features supported
Development Efforts High dev effort. Most of the business logic can be shared yet the UI has be developed spaerately on Xamarin.iOS / Xamamrin.Android
Shortcomings Developer needs to know all C#, android and iOS
Most appropriate scenarios Enterprise apps where there is a workflow involving server and client side

Scenarios Flutter
Overview Quick iterative development process with native performance 
Licensing and Company Involved From Google
Skill set required DART with common tools for both iOS / Android
Feature Sets Still evolving as a platform
Development Efforts Low dev effort as development is iterative
Shortcomings Developer need to know Dart and it’s a very new new platform
Most appropriate scenarios Require beautiful UI based on material like design out of box

We hope that this article will be useful in choosing the right technology for your next app idea. 

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